Well, today I officially booked our reception venue!  It's so beautiful and I can't wait now!  The lady in charge of the banquet facilities is awesome too!  It seems so surreal to have officially booked something and have put money on our wedding.  But, I'm so excited!  Our official date is July 5th, 2013!!

I also have asked all my bridesmaids to be in my wedding!  Here's the run-down:

Maid of Honor: My younger sister, Amanda! (it's her birthday today too!)  I didn't have to ask her.  She already knows, and knew way before we started planning or even before we got engaged!  I know she'll be such a big help and she always talks about how excited she is!  She is my best friend ever and I love her!!

Bridesmaid #1: My best friend, Marissa!  I was a bridesmaid for her when she got married in 2007.  We met in 7th grade science class.  I thought she was cool because she was tall and smart!  We also played clarinet together in band all the way through high school.  I'm so glad we've stayed such close friends, because she is seriously like the older sister I never had!  The only thing is she lives so far away!  About 3 hours from where I live.  I asked her to be my bridesmaid when I went to visit her in January to catch up and so I could meet her adorable, 2-month-old (at the time) son, Isaac.  We were at dinner just the two of us (and Isaac!) at Baker's Square.  Naturally, the conversation didn't stop and we were giggling and basically being girls/best friends :)  The talk turned to wedding and I said, "I can't wait any longer!  Will you be my bridesmaid??"  Naturally, she said yes, and I'm so excited!  She was telling everyone we saw for the rest of the weekend that she was my bridesmaid!  She's so adorable!  (this reminds me that I have to call her one of these days to catch up!)

Bridesmaid #2: Andy's sister, Megan!  We've just started getting close in the last few years, but she's a sweet girl and I'm so excited to be getting another younger sister!  She's been so helpful already with going to the reception consults with me (both our moms and Amanda went too) and saying that she's excited to help!  On Sunday, I was making dinner for Andy and me (French toast with cream cheese and raspberries with a side of bacon!!) and Megan was sitting at the table.  She said that she was going to help me a lot with my wedding to distract her over the next year because her boyfriend is overseas and won't be back for a year.  I had been looking for the right moment and figured, this may as well be it!  So, I said, "Well, I've been meaning to ask you, so I should now!  Will you be my bridesmaid?"  I was so surprised by her reaction!  She smiled real big and came over and hugged me, saying yes!  Paula (Andy's mom) came into the room, asking what was going on and Megan told her I had just asked her to be a bridesmaid.  Paula was so excited too, awwing and hugging me as well!  I had hinted, I thought, that I was going to ask Megan, but they were all so surprised when I finally did!  Andy yelled from the other room, "How many friends do you think I have?!"  I told him, that I was done asking, and that I only need 3 bridesmaids. :)

So, now my bridal party is set!  Andy's going to wait to ask his (groomsmen don't need to be asked as early as bridesmaids anyway, I think), but his cousin Jason will be best man (he knows already).  I'm going to wait for ushers (cousins, I think) and flowergirl (will be my 6-year-old cousin). But, it's so cool!

Now, I'm waiting to hear back from my photographer so I can book her and I need to join the church we want to have our ceremony at (and talk to the pastor!)  Yay, so many good things happening!
So, we have finally decided it's time to work on getting married!!  I've already met with a photographer (I really like her - I think we'll probably sign with her by the end of the month!) and I have meetings set up with reception venues next weekend!  3 in fact!  My mom and sister are coming to look at them with me and I'm so excited!  FMIL and FSIL are coming too, so it will be one big girls' day out!  Hopefully one of those will stand out as the place to host our receptions.

Right now, we have 2 potential dates in mind.  June 29 or July 6, both in 2013.  Originally, we were thinking the 29th, but then Andy, who of course is so picky about sound and DJs, talked to the only DJ in town he likes and that guy is book and /or busy on the 29th!  So, more than likely, it'll be the 6th.  Oh well.  Either way, though, I have a wedding date to work with and we are finally starting to plan!

My goals for Feb are:
-book reception venue
-book photographer
-possibly book ceremony location (church)

Goals for March are:
-book church
-compile guest list
-start registry