Well, for the first time, I'm going to do something officially wedding related!  On Thursday, Amanda (my sister and maid of honor, of course!) and I will go to David's Bridal and I'm going to try on wedding dresses!  I'm a little nervous, but it'll be fun!  This will be the first thing I've ever done in relation to planning a wedding, except for the bits of research.  I'm wondering what this will be like and how I'll feel.  I haven't had any "BRIDE!!" moments yet, except for the couple of times I've bought bridal magazines.  Those, again, were mostly for fun.  I'm really looking forward to this, even though I know I won't buy anything yet.  I don't have the funds to buy a wedding dress at this moment and I'm fairly certain that even then, I won't be buying my dress from David's Bridal.  I have a dress in my head that I've been eyeing for a few years now.  I want to try on that one first.  But yes.  I'll probably actually buy a dress in about 9 months to a year.

I'll be back after Thursday to show pictures of how everything went!!

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